Monday, March 5, 2012

What on Earth is "Oil Pulling"?

While perusing one of my new favourite Mama Blogs - I came across a video about "Oil Pulling". Well at first I was sort of grossed out, but mainly I was super curious! So I began googling, and apparently people have been experiencing some seriously awesome reactions to this little ritual, that I couldn't ignore.
What is it? Well, first thing in the morning (or on an empty stomach) you pop a spoonful of veg. oil into your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 min. It supposed to activate natural enzymes, and pull toxins out of your body through your mouth. Sounds a little hoaky, but people are reporting amazing health results! First and foremost, stellar oral health. Whiter teeth; healthier gums - not to mention story after story of people's accounts of healed gum disease, tooth infections etc. the list goes on. the next most common result was softer, clearer, glowing skin all over the body, specifically on the face, elbows and heals.
There are also reports of cured asthma, headaches, bronchitis, thrombosis, chronic blood disorders, arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, eczema, stomach ulcers, chronic intestinal diseases, heart and Nierenbe complaints, gynecological illnesses, neurological diseases and liver diseases! *

SO, I thought, why not try it out myself?  There's no harm in trying, since it's just oil.. and the worst that could happen is that it makes me gag the first time, and the best that could happen is that I have improved health.

Day 1 - today :) I grabbed a spoonful of organic coconut oil and had a very hard time popping it into my mouth. Coconut oil is great b/c the taste is mild, and it smells great, but it's solid at room temperature, so it was really weird to have in my mouth at first. (most resources suggest sesame oil, so I think I'll be switching to that soon, as I think the texture will be easier on the palette :} ) I had to keep it between my teeth and cheek until it dissolved into my saliva. But, after that, it was easy peasy! 15 minutes of swishing, then I spit it out into the garbage. You wouldn't want to spit into a sink b/c it might clog the drain. I then rinsed with salt water (everything I've read has suggested this b/c there are loads of toxins and bacteria left over in your mouth that you really should rinse out). Then I brushed my teeth like usual. So I'll continue to do this every morning, and take photos every week to track any visual progress (whiter teeth, pinker gums?)  

*Here is the link to, for more in depth information on this technique.

I'd love to hear if anyone has ever tried this, and their experience with it :)

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